Becoming a Team Beachbody coach

Becoming a Beachbody Coach: Success in Every Shape & Size

I wake up every morning EXCITED to “go to work” at my “job.” That’s because my job is helping people. Not only do I help people reclaim their health and lead better lives, I also help people become Beachbody Coaches so they can start helping others. There are some common questions people ask when they are considering becoming a Team Beachbody Coach. Here’s the #1 question:

How can I inspire others as a Beachbody Coach when I still have my own fitness journey ahead of me?

Sure, I understand that you may think you have to be at your goal weight, in shape or at a higher fitness level before you can become a coach. In fact, I would have agreed with you at one time myself. But what I found is that people who are on their own fitness journey are actually the MOST RELATEABLE to others looking for help.

For me personally, when I was first starting out, there were so many people who wanted to know what I was doing, I simply shared my love for Power 90 and Beachbody and people wanted to join me (it really is that easy). The additional accountability of inspiring others kept me on track and I felt great paying it forward as I was achieving my own fitness goals.

Your struggles and successes make you a great coach

Think about this for a minute, the more vulnerable you are and the more you can share about your own struggles, challenges and successes – the more people will be able to relate to you. When people relate to you, they watch you and when they watch you – many of them will want to join you.

Also, I found that if you wait to reach that goal of yours, you may be waiting a long time. This isn’t because you never reach it, but because you constantly raise the bar and reset your goal. When I first started out I just wanted to lose my baby weight and get back to my pre-wedding size/shape. My journey continued on and not only did I reach that goal but I surpassed it by losing an additional 18 lbs on top of my original 21 lbs lost – dropping 3 more clothing sizes to boot.

Ratterman KidsGoals change, and so does life

In fact, a true fitness journey never ends because life is constantly changing. After exceeding my initial fitness goals, I went on to have another child, lose my weight again with the use of more Beachbody products and keep working on myself to improve my fitness level. So you see, if I had waited… I may still be waiting today as I am always resetting my goals and striving to improve.

Another reason you shouldn’t wait to join as a coach if you have not yet reached your goals, is that if you do wait, you may distance yourself from those emotions you and the others in your same place are feeling. People want and need to be inspired by someone like you. Someone who is TAKING ACTION and making things happen. They need to see that YOU are doing it – that it isn’t easy and be inspired to know that THEY CAN DO IT TOO!

I actually think that coaches who are on their own fitness journey are THE BEST COACHES. Even if you have 100 lbs to lose. I am sure after reading this you agree. RIGHT?

Are you ready to get started inspiring others?

[vision_button url=”” class=”button” size=”large” color=”orange” target=”_blank” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””]Join My Team [/vision_button]

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.