Learning With a New Workout

The workouts I usually do are great because I can do them from home—right where it’s comfortable. But I recently went outside my comfort zone and went to a cardio class with a friend. When was the last time you tried something new in your workouts? I guarantee you’ll learn something, just like I did!

What I Learned

A friend happened to mention, in passing, a cardio class that she’s been going to for a few months. I asked her about it and she invited me to tag along.
There were so many different people in the class—from 20-somethings to women older than me. And the fitness levels were all over the map too. The class was self-paced so you could choose to test it out, work out at your normal pace or really push it hard. Since it was my first time, I decided to just try it out at my own level and not push it too much.

It was nice to confirm that I’m relatively fit, but working out with others really showed me that I can push myself harder than I do. When I’m home, I usually take breaks when I’m supposed to be holding a plank. But in this class, I looked around and everyone was still holding their plank (while I was down on the ground)! Working out with others changes your perspective and you feel “peer pressure” to up your game. I sure felt it!

More in the Future

I will definitely take this cardio class again and I’m even thinking about doing a few times a week for a couple of months. The gym is by my kids’ school, so it’s a great way to hold myself accountable when I drop them off in the morning.

Tony Horton, the face behind P90X, has said that you don’t have to do your workout forever. Instead, use your workout program to get into shape so you can be more active in your life. So use what you’re doing with Beachbody to get into shape and expand your horizons. Get out of your comfort zone and try new things!

Where is one place you can step outside your comfort zone? If you’re not a runner, have you ever thought about trying your first 5k? If you are a 21 Day Fix devotee, have you thought about trying a new program?

 xoxo - Lee

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.