Life Without Limits – All Day Breakfast

image1I met up with a girlfriend I haven’t seen in a while and somehow we got to discussing McDonald’s all day breakfast campaign and how happy we were about it. I know, seems like a silly thing to be excited about, especially for someone that doesn’t frequent McDonalds.

In my former life, I was the one who always missed the “morning time” and showed up right after the cut-off time. I loved my Egg McMuffins. Who am I kidding? I still love them. I just know I shouldn’t be eating them often. And it was seriously disappointing to be ready to enjoy one and then be told I could’t have it.

Although I was thrilled to hear the all day breakfast announcement, at the time I was catching up with my friend, I hadn’t yet stopped to pick up my 3 p.m. breakfast. But just knowing I can is pretty liberating. Another limitation that has now been removed.

My friend & I joked that once we started with breakfast for lunch, or even dinner, it might not be easy to skip these indulgences. I think that is true with other real or perceived limitations in our life. Once the limitation is gone, it is hard to remember a time when it was there.image3

Sure, all day breakfast isn’t earth-shattering, but it is one less limitation for those of us that enjoy Egg McMuffins. And, it is a good analogy for other small things in our lives that hold us back from full enjoyment. Those things can feel like a big deal, but if we take the time to examine them and remove the limitation, our life is so much bigger and the limitation wasn’t really all that significant to begin with.

We recently went to Florida to watch Jack play soccer. We arrived in Orlando at midnight and had to get up at 5 a.m. and drive two hours to watch the game. We had to grab something to eat before the game and guess where we ended up? Sure, it certainly was within breakfast hours. But it was so yummy to stop by McDonald’s to get my Egg McMuffin!

There are just some foods that remind us of people or times in our lives. Turns out my dad is an Egg McMuffin fan too. Sure, there are plenty of other places to get breakfast (even Taco Bell now), but I guess I’m sort of a traditionalist. And you know what? I’m not ashamed to have an Egg McMuffin once in awhile. However, I’ve been able to keep it to eating just one (at least for now… who knows what 3pm some Friday might bring).

xoxo - Lee

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.