Reflections, Celebrations and Replacements

17 years ago, I was a newlywed with a full set of dishes and silverware (thanks to my Mom and her friends who got us our “every day” dishes for wedding presents). There have been a lot of changes in the past 17 years. Bowls broken, spoons missing, 4 beautiful children added to our family and a love that has endured (and grown) over that time. And now here we are, celebrating our 17th anniversary.

On the exact day of our anniversary, we were at a soccer game and a softball game (as parents tend to be) but the two of us will be going to New York City together soon and will celebrate our anniversary while we’re there.  In my opinion, the day that you celebrate matters far less than the reason that you’re celebrating.

They say that the only constant in life is change. Sometimes the changes are very apparent. You work out, you eat right, you see a new body emerge in the mirror. Other changes are more subtle and sometimes we don’t notice until we can’t find a spoon. I’m not entirely sure where the spoons went, all I know is that they aren’t in the drawer where they belong and they’re not waiting to be washed. I guess the spoons go to the same place that socks go when you put a pair in the washing machine and a single sock comes out of the dryer.

When I finally realized that soon our household would be completely out of spoons, and we no longer had enough to go around, I went about trying to replace them. After 17 years, finding your existing silverware pattern can be a challenge. Fortunately, through some diligent hunting and, I was able to repopulate my silverware drawer.

While it is great to have a full set of matching silverware again, you can tell the new pieces because they’ve not got any wear yet.  One evening, after operation “re-stock the silverware drawer,” I noticed a fork was missing. How did a fork go missing so quickly? I looked around and eventually found it outside, where it had been used to dislodge a pump needle from a ball that needed inflating. Um, yeah… did I mention the 4 beautiful children?

Soon, I’ll need to work on replacing the dishes.  As I mentioned, the bowls have broken over the years and we’re down to only three of the small plates.  After the hunt for the silverware, though, I want a little break before I start hunting for the new dishes. I’m sure I’ll fall in love with a new set when I find something that’s ‘just right’. It’s wonderful to find something you love that will stand the test of time and even though you may lose some bowls or a few forks, it’s nice to know that the family you love will last. I’m looking forward to the next 17 years… and the 17 years after that, too!

xoxo - Lee

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.