Costco Hacks for Busy Families

Busy Family Food Hacks

Busy schedules can be the antithesis of good nutrition but we’ve found that if employing some food “hacks”, enables us to stock quick, tasty and healthy options. Here are my go-to Costco Food Hacks.

5 things I’ve got in my fridge to hack my meals:

  1.  Organic Hardboiled Eggs
  • Eat them by themselves (my kids don’t eat the yolks) – great for on-the-go snack
  • Egg salad – 2 hardboiled eggs, heated slightly, then sliced twice in an egg slicer to chop, mustard, salt, sometimes I add tuna & coconut oil
  • Slice up and put on a salad for additional protein and variety

2.  Bag of Rotisserie Chicken

  • Kids just cut this up and eat it, some eat it with ketchup
  • Make tacos or burritos with it, pair it with just salsa, or add the standard taco fixings
  • Put it with salads
  • Hummus wrap – chicken, hummus (We got the spicy Yamine Hummuses from Costco) in a tortilla

3.  Massive Bottle of Coconut Oil

  • Use it to cook my eggs
  • Put it in my coffee (bulletproof coffee)
  • Use it for tuna
  • Use it for dry skin and pretty much everything else

4.  Shrimp Tray

  • Eat it as a snack
  • Put it on salads
  • Use it for dinner – shrimp tacos, etc.

5.  Pierre Signature Grilled Chicken Sandwich – Frozen

  • Kids heat them and eat them
  • Dinner in a pinch with a side salad

Do you have a Costco food hack you use at home? I’d love to hear it!


xoxo - Lee

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.