The Joy of Being More Than a Mom

Don’t get me wrong: being a mom has been one of my greatest joys in life. It’s brought me more fulfillment and happiness than I ever thought possible. But one of the reasons I became a coach was because I needed something more in life.

Before motherhood (and even in the early years), I was always a hobbiest. I loved doing crafts to keep myself busy. I made no-sew blankets with sports teams on them and sold them in craft shows. I played with photo editing to make Warhol-style colorized images that I sold.

I never really kept track of the income from my craft hobbies. I just did them for fun when the kids were asleep. The income was just a bonus. But I still felt like something was missing.

When Beachbody came along, it filled in the missing piece.

It allowed me to be more active and truly help people live better, healthier lives. And then it became a job, but not in a bad way. In a positive way where I felt the entrepreneurial pull to make it into something more.

A Beachbody business is something that can grow and change with you during each season of life—from young adulthood to motherhood and even an empty next. There’s a time and a place for the business within every step and you can invest in it as much as you can in each season.

Being a part of Beachbody has fueled my soul and allowed me to contribute to my household in ways I couldn’t before. Before Beachbody, there were things I wanted to do for my family that I didn’t know how to accomplish.

  • Send my daughter to dance.
  • Allow my children to participate in multiple activities after school.
  • Sign the kids up for day camp.
  • Take a family trip to Israel to watch my oldest play soccer.
  • Go on solo vacations with my husband that I only dreamed about before.
  • Buy organic groceries to feed a family of six.

These would all be “wish list” items if it weren’t for my business. And staying true to the Beachbody principles, I’ve been able to use the products to stay active and healthy.

Of course, you only get out of the programs—and the business—what you put into it. If you’re ready to see what you can accomplish with Beachbody by your side, let’s talk!

<need income disclaimer here>

xoxo - Lee

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.