My Shift Shop Results

You saw my post about Shift Shop a few weeks ago. It’s a new Beachbody that has completely rocked my world! I just finished my second round with the program and I’m amazed at the results I’m seeing–both inside and out.

Game-Changing Shifts

I’m a mom of four kids who has always wanted to be an athlete. I’m athletic, but certainly not an athlete. At 48 years old, I’m too old to be what I see as a true athlete–someone who competes at a high level. But just because I’m not going to make millions as an athlete doesn’t mean I can’t perform and fuel my body like an athlete.

I said in my last post about this program that it’s unlike any of the other Beachbody programs. And Chris Downing, the coach, is unlike any of Beachbody’s other coaches.

Chris has a trainer’s heart. His goal is for you to succeed. He helps you make a shift in your mind so you can push those excuses out and internalize the positive messaging he uses throughout. I’ve had two other coaches tell me that Chris really speaks to them. I’ve been in this business for 10 years and I’ve never had people connect so much with the trainer.

The program itself incorporates football-type conditioning. It uses speed and agility training and is a great alternative for traditional high-intensity cardio programs. I love it as the “next step” after 21 Day Fix, but there are also plenty of modifications for beginners.

I truly think this program is a game-changer for me and for Beachbody. There’s no equipment, other than the colored markers that are used during cardio (speed) days and weights for strength days. And if you’re an On Demand user, you can buy the markers separately (or even make your own!).

My Results


Midway through my second round with Shift Shop, I started having some knee irritation. Admittedly, I took a few shortcuts. I was busy and I skipped some of the stretching at the end of the workouts, something that I don’t recommend. I ended up with a knee injury and had to modify my workouts significantly through the end. Thankfully, I was able to take care of the issue with some acupuncture and chiropractic care. More on that in another post!

Because of my injury, I don’t have the before-and-after results that might make your jaw drop. But I do have many non-scale victories that made it all worth it. I was able to wear my shirt tucked in, without worrying about my little stomach pooch, which I hadn’t done in at least three years. I was able to wear pants that I hadn’t worn in years! And, my favorite victory was a change in my arms. As you get older, your skin starts to look and feel thin, wrinkled and saggy. I noticed that the skin on my arms changed and tightened up, which was totally unexpected (and very welcomed!). As I built muscle all over my body, I also saw a reduction in cellulite, especially in my inner thighs.

After my results, I’m anxious to continue making a shift. I plan to complete six rounds between now and the end of the year–when I’ll switch over to Autumn’s new program that releases in January.

If you’re ready to make a shift, shoot me a message. Let’s get you enrolled in my upcoming Shift Shop challenge group!

xoxo - Lee

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.