Super Sunday Recap

Carl DaikelerI don’t think it’s a secret that connecting with like-minded people and members of our team really fills me up. It’s one of my favorite things to do, like when I took a quick trip to Illinois last fall. Knowing that I’m helping my team help others is a huge bonus.

Super Sunday was several weeks ago, giving all the coaches in my area the ability to get together under one roof. It’s a time to talk business with other coaches and share what’s working for us, what we’ve tried and to help one another through challenges. A number of my team’s coaches attended and I loved seeing them and connecting.

I’ve been with Beachbody for 11 years and I’ve loved seeing the evolution of the company over that time. I know it’s difficult now for our CEO, Carl Daikeler, to be able to attend every event because of the sheer size of the company. But he was there and even took time to take pictures with every single coach in attendance.

He really lives the message he wants to spread: be better, work harder and inspire more people. Showing up the way he does motivates everyone to do just that.

Every large event like this always includes speakers to help excite us further. Two of the speakers were coaches who had a lot of success last year. Hearing from these coaches that they were able to grow personally and professionally (often through adversity) helps to illustrate that anyone can be successful. All you have to do is show up authentically as you.

The biggest takeaway I had was to simply share. Share why Beachbody works for you, and how. It’s true that at-home fitness isn’t for everyone. Some people really need that gym membership to hold them accountable for getting it done. Sure, Beachbody has worked for me and it’s worked for those speakers, but it may not work for everyone. And that’s okay.

The beauty of being a part of Beachbody is that you can come to an event–or not. It’s entirely up to you. I prefer the community and connection, but others love the at-home aspect of the business.

Something new on the horizon

While at the event, I was able to share with my team the new granola bars Beachbody developed. They’re not being marketed as a health bar, but they are healthy–better tasting and better for you than the traditional chewy granola bar. I received samples at the leader’s event in November but hadn’t tried them yet. They’re good! Keep your eye out for them this year.

xoxo - Lee

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.