80 Day Obsession – Phase I Recap

We’re already a few weeks into Phase II, but I wanted to give you an update about my progress in 80 Day Obsession so far.

This 13-week program has been a challenge so far, but I’ve already noticed big changes in my body and my stamina. In the first phase, all the workouts are about 30-60 minutes, and we were working out six days a week. The nutrition has been the biggest challenge, but I love that Autumn tells us exactly what to eat and when to eat it. This takes all the guessing out of the equation.

Throughout the program, I’ve been using Beachbody’s Performance Line. This helps me have the right amount of energy before the workouts, hydrate during the workouts and recover effectively both after the workouts and overnight.

Overall, I lost 4.5 pounds in the first phase and I can really see and feel the inches I’ve lost. Things are fitting better, my push-ups are stronger (and I’m doing a lot of them on my toes instead of knees) and I can hold a plank longer than before. I’m still fighting my knee injury, but as I’m building strength and muscle tone in other areas, the pain has gotten better.

Even more than the physical changes I’m seeing, is the confidence I’m building. The 80 Day Obsession program is more than an 80 day journey; it’s truly a lifestyle change. And a change in my mindset.

As I get older, I tend to use that as an excuse for not seeing the results I wanted to see. But really, it was me telling myself, “It’s just one cookie,” or “It’s just a bite of ice cream.” And more often than not, one cookie meant a few cookies and a bit of ice cream was sharing half of my kids’ dessert. Ooops!

I know that to make change happen, I need to be all-in and I need to be able to give myself grace. Positive affirmations help, because what you think is what you become. When we’re not kind to ourselves, our mindset suffers.

On the recommendation of a friend, I recently started using the app Mind Movies, by Natalie and Glen Ledwell. The app itself allows you to set up success rituals for different areas of your life.

I’ve long talked about the power of mindset and positive self-talk, but I don’t always put into practice what I preach. The 80 Day Obsession and this app have both helped me with this, and I find myself finding more positive changes in my body, my ability to get through the workouts and my work to make the right nutritional choices.

Of course, it’s all always a work in progress, and I know I won’t be perfect 100 percent of the time. But I also won’t beat myself up when I slip.

Moving into Phase II, the workouts have gotten longer and the nutrition has shifted to a bulk phase. So we’re eating more (which is hard sometimes!) and working out about 45 minutes to an hour each day. The workouts are getting progressively more challenging, with shorter breaks, a faster pace and heavier weights. I’m working on prepping my meals more so I don’t find myself scrambling quite as much, especially on those busy days.

If you’re doing 80 Day Obsession, I’d love to know what kind of progress you’ve made! Send me an email and tell me how you’re doing!

xoxo - Lee

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.