Help others on their fitness journey

How to Help Others Without Being a Pest

My business involves encouraging others and helping them to meet their own health and fitness goals, right alongside me. I love what I do and I revel in the fact that I can help people gain confidence and feel their best.

Often, I talk to people who are frustrated with their bodies. They want change, but they don’t know how to get there. Sometimes I’m talking to them because they’re interested in help, but more often I’m talking to friends and acquaintances who really just want a sounding board to complain.

I totally get it. I’m guilty of seeking out a sounding board from time to time. (Aren’t we all!?) But if you’ve dedicated your life and career to helping others feel better about themselves, it can be a struggle to figure out how to approach them to tell them about your product or service.

Put the awkwardness away and follow these easy tips. This is part of how I’ve grown my business over the years.

  • Share what works for you. If you’re a health and fitness coach, you’re likely using the products and services you’re selling. When someone is struggling and approaches you with complaints, share what’s worked for you. You’re a walking, talking billboard for your business! You likely have clients or other friends who have had similar success you can share too.
  • Find out what’s not working. There are a lot of reasons why a health and fitness regimen doesn’t work. Maybe it’s too strict or they don’t have enough accountability. Help your friend brainstorm what would work so you can help them find a solution.
  • Suggest modifications. Sometimes just modifying a program to make it easier to follow is exactly what they need to stay on track. The meal plan is too difficult to follow? Maybe a meal delivery service would help ease the burden. The workouts are too long? Something is better than nothing. They can start by doing half the workout and work up to the whole thing when they’re ready.
  • Encourage exploration. Everyone has different preferences when it comes to working out. Encourage your friend to try out different things to find something they like. Me? I like tennis and my Beachbody On Demand workouts. Someone else may not have easy access to tennis courts, but they love swimming (or running, or hiking). Again, something is better than nothing–and something works better when they enjoy doing it!
  • Identify ways to work on nutrition. This is a tough one because no one wants to be told that the way they’re eating could be the problem. Luckily, healthier options are all over the place these days. If asked, feel free to share how you find healthy alternatives when you go out to eat. Or maybe you can share how you plan ahead when you know that your schedule will be tight.

Health and fitness is a touchy subject for so many, but often people who reach out are ready for change. The key is to help them in a way that empowers them and makes them feel like they can take that first step.

xoxo - Lee

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.