how to market your business

How to market your business

No matter what kind of business you’re in, it’s important to define your market so you can talk to the right people. When you’re in the fitness industry, this is even more important.

Everyone is on their own journey in life. For many, that journey includes being healthier inside and out. They’re on a journey to take better care of themselves through exercise and eating right. They want to be a better person, be there for their families and instill healthy habits in their children. And many want to inspire others as well.

If you’re a health and fitness coach, it’s important to know where your audience is on their journey with their goals so you can make a connection with them.

Connection is what will encourage them to interact with you and will eventually lead to the sale.

Here are some tips for how to define your market and then make a solid connection with your people:

Talk to your audience

Know who your ideal audience is and then talk to them–even if they’re not following you yet. Once you figure out where they’re hanging out now, start hanging out there yourself so you can see what their challenges are and even address them if appropriate. Ask questions, send out a survey and generally be of service to your audience so they see you as a trusted advisor and friend.

Share about YOU

In order to truly connect with you, people need to know where you’re coming from. You need to share your story and your journey, as well as information about yourself that others may resonate with. What does your day look like? How do you fit your health and wellbeing into your day-to-day life? What do you like to eat that’s quick and healthy? What are your challenges? Successes? Be an open book, or as much of one as you’re comfortable with. The more you share, the more you’ll connect.

Solve a problem

I know you’re here to help others, so start by solving a problem that they have. This could come in the form of answering a question, but it could also include solving a problem they don’t really know that they have. By showing up and sharing how you work on your own challenges or toward your goals, you’re offering solutions to problems–ways your audience can achieve goals too.

Continue working on you

We’re all a work in progress, always. As you continue to grow in your business and in your goals, it’s important to continue working on your own personal development. This allows you to bring what you’re learning to your clients and your audience as a whole. They’ll appreciate knowing that you’re not perfect and you’re always striving to be a better person and business owner.

I know that at the end of the day, you don’t have a business if you’re not making sales. But when the primary motivation for showing up and talking to potential leads is to get them to sign up and give you money, your marketing efforts are going to fall flat.

Always remember why you started. First, it was to better yourself. Then, it was to help others. When you come to the table to help, your business will flourish.

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.