Keep It Healthy While Traveling

Sure, eating healthy is important to a healthy lifestyle. But when you’re traveling, you have to reset your expectations and loosen the reins a bit. Shoot, you want to do that when you’re on vacation, right? First, take stock of how well you eat on a day-to-day basis. For example, if you tend to eat…

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The Photo That Changed My Life

Everyone has THE PHOTO. You know what I mean, right? The photo that changes it all. The photo that makes you stop dead in your tracks and say…this is not me. This is not the person I want to be. No more. It is time to make a change. Well…I want to share with you…

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Who’s That Hot Mama In The Window?

The other day I walked by a set of windows and glanced at my reflection. Whoa! Wait a minute… I had to do a double, then triple take and actually even went back to the reflection once I had passed by. I couldn’t believe what I thought when I saw my reflection. I look good. Go…

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Caught Up in the Chase: Trading Time for Money

Don't let money steal your time

In one way every life is equal, none of us have an unlimited amount of time! Seems like we think about it a lot as it is the subject of a many stories, from immortal vampires to time machines. Even in our everyday lives there are ads all over touting time-saving gadgets and cosmetics that…

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Stop trying to be someone else

be fully present, live in the moment

You would think I would have known better.  I worked hard to create the life I have. In fact, I love my life and I don’t want to be anyone else.  HOWEVER…  over the past year or so, without knowing so, I was shutting myself out of my life.  It is amazing now when I…

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